#confinement – Some advice

Let’s face it confinement is tough for everyone. However it is also an opportunity to change, to evolve, to focus on what matters. I would like to share some advice as I have been working from home for over 4 years and have been on my own for nearly 3…

Now is the moment to remember we are “three in one”: a body, a mind and a soul.

And we need to nurture the three. It is difficult to do so equally every day but in the span of a week you need to have balanced activities for the three.

Now, I can hear my friends with children going “yeah right”… I know it is more difficult for you but try to include your children in these activities, it is never too early to learn to nurture the three and if you have toddlers well implement these activities for yourself when they sleep πŸ˜‰

It is important to have a routine…

Waking up at regular times, planning the day ahead with defined periods of activities for body, mind and soul, making a distinction between week days activities and weekend ones. Otherwise all days will start to look the same and you will find the time infinitely long.

… However don’t become a routine nazi.

You need to listen to your body, your emotions of the day and honour them. Some days you will wake up optimistic and full of energy, some others gloomy and drained. It is ok. Be kind to yourself. If you need to rest and do nothing today it is not the end of the world (is it a bad choice of words, I wonder, when we live in apocalyptic times?) but don’t do the same the next day and the day after and the day after. This is how depression starts. The last thing you need right now (and ever) is to put a foot there. If you start feeling repetitively sad and drained, you need to increase your e-social interactions with either professionals or simply positive people who love you, will not judge you, and will help you see the bright side of things.

Because there is a bright side of things: you are alive, we are all in this together… for the first time in the history of humanity, rich and poor alike, all over the globe, are facing the same challenge.

Here are some suggestions of activities for the body, mind and soul… I hope you find them and the related tips useful… It is sprinkled with some humour because, hey, I need to entertain myself as well… Life is serious enough without us taking ourselves too seriously…

Activities for the body should focus on keeping you energised but also relaxed:

  • Breathing deeply and mindfully
  • Walking. Outdoors if you can. Back and forth in your house if not.
  • Exercising. Excellent for the body but also for the mind, keeping both healthy and strong.
  • Practicing yoga. If you’ve never tried, it is now or never. Yoga does wonders for the body but also for the mind, keeping it focused and calming repetitive thoughts. Don’t say you are not flexible. It doesn’t matter. Yoga is not about performance or competition. It is about feeling great, energised and relaxed at the same time. And by the way, yoga does not only work on your flexibility but increases your strength too (let me know how your core muscles are doing after that). Bonus: it gives you a very nice toned body. You’re welcome.
  • Daily exposing yourself to fresh air and sun, if the weather allows it. Open your window, chill on your balcony, enjoy a walk or jog in nature (if you can and if the local authorities allow it. Unfortunately, we are not all equal here)
  • Taking a shower (yes you need to do that every day) and if you can, indulge in a bath from time to time. Water is the greatest cleanser (not only for your body but also for your mind and soul). It helps you feel refreshed and relaxed. Consciously wash away any negative feelings when you do so. Water is also the most powerful conduit to connect with higher planes. Consciously ask for protection and guidance.
  • Taking care of your body: keeping your skin care routine “as if” you were still going out every day, shaving, nail polishing, experimenting with your hair and make up, dressing up…
  • Sleeping. Do not underestimate the power of a good night sleep or a good nap. It is the natural way of the body to reset and rejuvenate. It also brings fresh new idea when you wake up.

Activities for the mind should include a balance of intellectual activities that make you think and focus but also of entertaining activities that help you relax and nurture a positive mindset.

Intellectual activities include but are not restricted to:

  • Working, for those of you lucky to have a job or professional project. Yes, in these days and times, it is something you should feel very grateful for.
  • Reading. It is the opportunity to catch up on all those books you kept on postponing for “when you have more time”. Guess what? You have time πŸ˜‰
  • Writing. Whether you write well or not, writing is a fantastic medium to channel your emotions and ideas. And “lots of emotions you have right now”, Master Yoda would say. Yes, I know, I can’t help having a Star Wars reference in nearly every article. They are ones of the most inspired movies of all time. (Re)watch them.
  • Keeping your mind alert with crosswords, sudoku, puzzles, and any “intelligent games”. No, that does not include Call of Duty, sorry.
  • Staying informed through TV, internet or social media. However don’t be hooked on the media. You will go mental on the propagation of the virus… Not good. I dedicate less than an hour with my breakfast to brush through the news. I personally prefer a humouristic take on the news: Trevor Noah is my favourite (or Donald Trump, although it is becoming increasingly difficult to laugh about his speeches). I count in my review of the news what my friends and family are up to on facebook or instagram and reading well informed and inspired articles.

If you don’t have a job or professional project (like me right now), it is the perfect moment to do pro bono work. Help your friends with their business, for free, post professional advices on your online communities.

The spiritual rule is the following: before receiving you have to give. And believe me, if you do, you will feel great about it and you will receive in return.

Entertaining activities for the mind include but are not restricted to:

  • Social networking: skyping, zooming, calling, forwarding jokes on WhatsApp, posting silly videos of yourself…We are all thanking technology right now. We absolutely need that screen time to stay connected, to laugh, to be inspired. Our weekly report keeps on emphasising on the increase vs the week before. No shit, Sherlock? It is ok, as long as it doesn’t add up to an average of 12 hours a day… Not good. Put that screen down now.
  • Watching movies and TV series: double thank the Lord for Netflix! However don’t spend your day in front of it with the same pjs you’ve been wearing for two weeks in a row (seriously, wash them already). I personally leave it for the evening with a maximum of two hours-ish.
  • Computer games, xbox, playstation or whatever your poison is… Yes Call of Duty is fine here but try not to kill zombies the whole day otherwise you are the one who will turn into a zombie… Not good.
  • Playing board games as a couple or as a family. Remember those ones? It is the perfect moment to dust them out and introduce your kids to something else than an iPad, a computer or a phone. You can try with your teenage son or daughter. However I do not guarantee the result. And please remember to refrain your capitalistic instincts while playing Monopoly. The kids will end up crying. Not good.
  • Playing hide and seek, building a tree house, planting a tent in your living room, playing with dolls or action figures with your kids. Charades, mimes, whatever… be creative with your partner and/or kids. It is the moment to laugh, reconnect (face to face!) and be silly. I would not advise on drinking games at this point. Save it for your frat party.

Onto activities for the soul… you know the ones you have forgotten in the rat race and busy-ness of our times:

  • Meditating. You don’t know how? It is the perfect moment to download an app for it or read about it. It will be tough at the beginning to calm your mind and focus on your breathing. Start small: 5mn, 10mn. But it will be extremely beneficial, trust me on this one.
  • Day dreaming and visualizing. One of my preferred activities since I was a kid. However avoid day dreaming about the world turning into zombie land. Remember thoughts are extremely powerful and creative. You don’t want that one to manifest. Coronavirus is enough of an apocalyptic scenario for now.
  • Anything involving music: playing an instrument, singing, dancing. Music is a fantastic channel of emotions and intuition. The Powers That Be actually talk a lot to us through music. Put your music on shuffle and listen carefully to the songs that are playing and what they are telling you / making you feel.
  • Cleaning and tidying your house. You find it odd I put it in activities for the soul? Actually cleaning and tidying work on the three levels: providing a work out for the body (respect to all cleaners around the world), focusing your thoughts as a mind is neither at ease nor creative in an untidy environment (please don’t start on your creative chaos…) and letting the universal energy flow freely and in a favourable way for your life. I am talking here about the art and philosophy of Feng Shui. If it has been around for millennia, there is a reason. It states that the way the Chi (universal energy) flows (or not), the way your furniture and ornaments are laid out has an impact on you, your health and your life. Read about it, it is fascinating and intuitively makes a lot of sense.
  • Painting, sculpting, redecorating your house, repurposing old furniture and objects, taking pictures (easy on the selfie-ing though)… Another fantastic channel for emotions and creativity.
  • Cooking. Great for the body (if you cook healthy) but also for the soul. Cooking is an art. Cooking is caring. Cooking is love. To yourself and to others. Perfect time to go beyond frying an egg and expand on your recipes. Bonus: you will be able to impress your friends when we resume our social life.

All of the above is obviously not exhaustive. It is just meant to give you some ideas and well… make you laugh.

Remember that the sun always rises after the darkest of nights and that spring always follows winter.

We will come out of it. That is a fact. The key is to come out of it stronger, with healthier habits and plenty of new ideas to change the world…

Much love and light to you all. May the Force be with you. Always… and yes another Star Wars reference. Some things never change πŸ˜‰

The Unicorn

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